Posts in Entrepreneurship

Consultant broker/recruiter behavior

I get 1-2 messages here on LinkedIn and via email a week from consultant brokers and recruiters, and the[…]

Preparing your organization to use a consultant resource

Looking at my consultant journey with the eyes of a line worker* who I used to be, versus the[…]

4 years as a consultant

I sent my fourth annual report the other day, marking my fourth year (with 3 active ones) as a[…]

Udemy course: “Digital Transformation – a beginner’s guide”

I have been wanting to create my own course on the subject of Digital Transformation for a while –[…]

Validating a business idea

I have a habit of coming up with tons of ideas, put them up on a post-it and then[…]

Hvitravnur AB – annual meeting 2022 for business year 2021

Yesterday marked the day where Hvitravnur AB had its second annual meeting, the second to date. Deputy Board Member[…]

2nd year of business: a summary

2021 marks the true first year of business for Hvitravnur AB, as 2020 was spent on creating the company,[…]

“The Leverage Effect” – getting the time and inspiration to write and translate a novel

Sometime in the beginning of 2020, I got an idea and inspiration to write the first few pages of[…]

Publishing your own book – how I did it

In May this year, I published the book “InsurTech – Digitalizing the Insurance Industry” and listed it on Amazon’s[…]

Starting an e-commerce business

I read a Facebook post the other day, which read: “Be brave enough to suck at something new”. I[…]

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