Guest lecture on the subject of AI


I posted about a digital transformation project I was involved with as well as an article I had written on the subject of AI a while back, and got contacted by my old handels buddy Ivik. She wanted me to do a guest appearance in the course “Informatik GR (A), Introduktion till AI, dataanalys samt tillämpad dataanalys” at Mittuniversitet. Some of the guest lectures of my student years are those that I still remember and that affected my career choices, so of course I said yes.

I decided to talk about IT projects and AI implementations (what people think AI is, vs what it actually is and should be) at large companies, and my thoughts on necessary skills for certain roles and career prospects.

AI is basically about implementing math (e.g. Pythagorean theorem) and categorizing data. As soon as you get that and learn the basics of programming (e.g. algorithm theory), statistics and algebra, you are pretty set to implement so called AI.

I used the meme above (amongst other poignant ones) in my guest lecture to exemplify big “no-nos”, and risky behavior for those wanting to incorporate automation and the intelligent use of data in their life.

Roles that involve simple admin tasks such basic accounting, Excel based models, simple forecasting using historic data are in the risk list – tasks that today take hours due to manual processes, but take a few minutes tops with automated processes involving categorizing data (“deep learning” and all that). I’d actually say that independent of the role, industry etc you have today, being “IT illiterate” will put you in a bad position and quite dependent on vendors that may or may not be helping you with what you need, for quite an expensive sum of money. And as I mentioned above, not being IT literate could put you in the “endangered roles specifies list”

Not sure where to start? Below are two courses you can start off with, let me know if you need more course suggestions and books/articles to read:

“The Data Science Course: Complete Data Science Bootcamp 2024”

“Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code”


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