Hvitravnur AB – annual meeting 2022 for business year 2021


Yesterday marked the day where Hvitravnur AB had its second annual meeting, the second to date. Deputy Board Member Joakim Holmertz participated online via Google Meets and a friend and business sparring partner Tobias Berg on-site (we are both vaccinated against Covid-19 with 3 doses, for the record).

As I wrote in last month’s summary post, 2021 was a great year. Aside from discussing last year’s figures and comparing activities with goals we discussed the goals for 2022. In 2022, I am to:

  • Get an additional consultancy gig from the summer or September, taking 2 months off for vacation after my current gig
  • Continue looking for co-founders for future entrepreneurial ventures
  • Finishing the new platform for TailSense with a different business focus – more on this soon! The domain is currently password protected while I develop the new offer
  • Testing out a new business idea (Luxurify) relating to luxury cleaning services with a tech twist
  • Executing my yearly Winter Conference in December 2022, hopefully with invited guests if Covid-19 has been contained by then
  • Finishing my online course on Digital Transformation (and possibly publishing it as a book version)

To be continued!

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